5 questions to unlock your purpose

Are you satisfied with your daily work routine and how you earn your living? Do you look forward to going to work, or are you just working towards the weekend or upcoming holidays? Have you been yearning for more purpose and satisfaction in your job? If you answer yes, then know you are not alone in feeling this way.

Many of us still have a traditional mindset that revolves around fitting in and conforming to the prescribed standards. We often ask ourselves questions such as, “What tasks do I need to complete?”, “What is my role in this situation?”, “What are the requirements?” and “How should I behave?”. Our focus is primarily on fitting in rather than standing out. As a result, we tend to align our inner selves with external pressures.

Our job is no longer just a means to secure our existence in our modern world. We now strive for more as we have fulfilled our fundamental needs (at least in our Western world). We seek fulfilment, meaning, and happiness. We don’t just want to experience life passively; we want to make the most of it. We search for purpose in what we do, wanting to make a difference and create something meaningful.

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. “

Pablo Picasso

The topic of purpose is a frequently discussed one. It is crucial to live a purposeful life and infuse passion into work. Studies indicate that individuals who work with a sense of direction and significance tend to be more content, pleased, and devoted to their work. 

Given the focus on identifying meaning and purpose in life, it’s no surprise that “How do I find my purpose?” is so frequently asked. The objective is not something we happen upon but rather something we construct. It requires deliberate effort and practice to live and work with purpose every day.

If you’re feeling uncertain about your purpose, don’t worry. You can take things one step at a time. To help you unlock your drive, here are five key guides for finding it.

1. Identify your passions

What do you love doing? If answering this question is difficult, you can try different approaches to get to the heart of the matter. For instance, you may ask yourself the following questions:

  • What interests me the most at this point in my life?
  • What activities do I enjoy doing? You can create a love list and write down everything you love doing, personally and professionally.
  • What makes me enthusiastic and excited?
  • What am I excited about right now?

You can better understand your passions and what drives you by answering these questions. Don’t let money be the sole factor in determining what you love doing.  

2. Discover your core values

Understanding what truly matters to you, including your career, is crucial for clarity. What holds the utmost importance? Take a moment to jot down everything significant to you or things you wish to have more of in your life. Start with a brainstorming session and include various areas such as family, friends, romantic relationships, work, finances, hobbies, well-being and self-care.

Once you have your list, identify the three or four items that resonate the most with you – those that genuinely matter. Knowing your core values is crucial when striving to infuse purpose into your daily life and understanding how your work and actions can contribute to your fulfilment.

3. Explore your strengths

To discover your strengths, ask yourself the following questions: 

  • What are the activities that immerse you in a state of flow? 
  • Which tasks do you enjoy so much that you lose track of time while doing them? 
  • What are the things you are naturally good at and could do all day? 

Utilizing your strengths is an excellent way to experience deep engagement in your pursuits. Feeling highly engaged and enjoying what you’re doing can bring a sense of purpose. Many individuals need to be made aware of their strengths.

4. Uncover your problem to solve

It can be overwhelming to think about all the problems in our world today that need solutions. It’s understandable to feel stuck and need help figuring out where to start. However, the good news is that you don’t have to solve them all. It’s essential to choose a problem that genuinely resonates with you and take small steps towards finding a solution. By simply paying attention, you’ll be able to identify the distinct problem that calls out to you.

  • What issue deeply saddens you? 
  • What keeps you awake at night? 
  • When do you find yourself becoming frustrated or angry? 
  • What kind of world do you envision for the next generation? 

Finding a problem that ignites your passion and drives you to seek a solution is a path to building your purpose.

5. What legacy do you want to leave?

Have you ever considered what kind of legacy you want to leave behind? It may seem daunting, but reflecting on the lasting impact you want on the world can also be inspiring and purposeful. Consider what you want to be remembered for, whether tackling social issues or improving the lives of loved ones.

If you lack direction or purpose, try shifting your perspective and consider what you want to achieve in the long run.

The next chapter

Creating lasting change requires more than just discovering your true calling. You must also possess the practical planning and grounding necessary to make it a reality. 

Think of it as two opposite poles facing each other. One pole represents your need for security. A certain degree of reliability and existential and material security is necessary for everyday life. In the traditional job model, security is the top priority. It precedes joy, enthusiasm, liveliness, and meaning.

On the other hand, the second pole represents your need for liveliness, e.g. your passion and enthusiasm. You might need more than following your passion, as you might neglect your need for security. We must balance our need for security and desire because both are important to us. So, perfect security will not exist if you want to follow your calling. However, without basic safety, you won’t be able to live out your calling for long.

At Mind Companion, we understand the importance of tailoring our approach to your unique needs. We want to comprehend your current circumstances and future aspirations. What is your ultimate goal? With this in mind, we work alongside you to develop an actionable plan with achievable steps.

Let’s talk!