If you are feeling lost 

I am struggling to make a decision. I am unsure about how it will benefit me and how it will affect others. Is it wrong to prioritize my happiness, or should I always consider the collective good? I am worried that my decision today may not be suitable for me in the future. I am uncertain which direction to take – left or right, backwards or stay still. I feel lost, and it makes me feel like a failure. I have a house, a family, and a roof over my head, so I feel ungrateful for feeling lost. It seems like everyone else has their lives together, with purpose and direction, and I wish I had that, too.

If you have these thoughts, know you are in the right place!

Feeling lost is part of the journey.

Feeling lost doesn’t mean we are losers, hopeless, or rejects, unable to change. Instead, it means that we are going somewhere. Our lives are not stagnant; when we feel lost, it’s the opposite. The creativity in us is the feeling of being lost because we are looking for more, for something. We are seekers and explorers because a big part of being human is the urge to discover and break away from what is known. We look for something new, not necessarily better, but something that resonates within us.

Whenever an explorer ventures out, they are bound to get lost at some point. So, what should you do when you find yourself lost while hiking or navigating a city? The first thing to do is to get a map. Whether it be a Google Maps view or a physical paper map, it will help you to figure out where you are. Zooming out lets you get a bird’s eye view and better understand your surroundings. 

Looking down from a higher perspective, you can see where you came from. You can look back at the intersection where you took a left and see that the right turn will lead you further. This helps you adapt your route and make progress towards your goal. Remember, progress is not always a straight line—there will be ups and downs, slow and fast parts, and even setbacks.

The only way that we can live is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open. Do it. Throw yourself.

C. Joybell C.

Remember, there’s no need to hurry. Sometimes, the best action is to keep doing what you’re doing, and a solution will present itself. It’s like planting a seed and constantly digging it up to check if the roots are growing. If they’re not, it’s easy to get impatient and frustrated because it’s not growing fast enough. You add more water and nearly drown it; you add more soil to compact it and leave no air to develop. This is not how it works. You plant the seed and let nature take its course.

It’s okay if you haven’t figured out your life goals yet, especially if you already feel lost and overwhelmed. Rather than forcing yourself to devise a list of goals, take a moment to ground yourself and be still. When you’re feeling lost, you’re essentially wandering around in the dark without a clear sense of direction. How are you even supposed to find a pencil and paper to write down these goals while you are in the darkness? Instead, sit and wait for the daylight to break through so you can regain your bearings. Once you’ve found your sense of direction, you can start thinking about your next steps.

When we feel lost in anxious thoughts, we can use our senses as anchors, tethering us to the safety of the present moment.

  1. Look around you and name five things you can see.
  2. Become aware of four things you can feel. Reach out and touch different things if you want to.
  3. Listen deeply for three things you can hear.
  4. Notice two things you can smell. Sniff your clothes or skin to detect subtle fragrances in the air.
  5. Take one deep belly breath. Inhaling through your nose for a count of three and exhaling for six.

Get comfortable on your launch pad.

Embarking on the unknown is a constant in life; you may not always have all the information upfront. Therefore, it’s essential not to be too hard on yourself. Take one step at a time and make adjustments if necessary. Instead of stressing about being lost, try to enjoy the process of figuring out your next steps. And if you need to rest, do it wholeheartedly.

The place you are right now can be the launch pad for your journey. Set up camp on your launch pad and stay for a while. You can rest on it, stay on it for months, or take off at any moment. Enjoy your surroundings and the views given at this moment. Allow yourself to feel lost and be your friend.

Remember, life is your journey, not a competition against others. Each being on earth is unique and has a unique path to follow. So keep moving forward and be the captain of your destiny!

Accept and celebrate that you are not having it all figured out. Allow yourself to learn and grow. Permit yourself to fail because that is part of learning. Give yourself the gift of being a moron in the moment so you don’t have to be that way eternally. This gives you the opportunity, to be honest and be human.

Remember, you have the power to navigate your path.